Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Christa Wolf Wins Thomas Mann Literature Prize

Christa Wolf, author of Godine's In the Flesh, and "one of the former East Germany's most famous authors, won the prestigious Thomas Mann Prize for literature honoring her life's work.

The 81-year-old received the prize worth 25,000 euros ($35,090) for her work, 'which investigates the struggles, hopes and mistakes of her time in a critical and self-critical way, with deep moral seriousness and powerful narratives,' the jury said in a statement.

Peter Guelke, an author and musicologist who spoke at the award ceremony, said Wolf was 'an author whose words meant -- and continue to mean -- a lot in both East and West Germany.'

Wolf shot to fame with the publication of 'Der geteilte Himmel' ('Divided Heaven') in 1963 -- a novel which investigates the issues and problems faced by the Germans living under Communist rule on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain."

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